s t y le
n proof that you can help
drive the changes you wai
see; you can create a better
neighborhood for yourself/
Get involved
“Look for
organizations already involved
in issues important to you,
and see how you can augment
their efforts. Act locally—
increasing community eco-
nomic activity can make a
huge difference to everyone."
M eet
M ajora Carter,
founder of the nonprofit
environm ental solutions cor-
poration Sustainable South
Bronx. She's also a
Mac Arthur Fellow, public
radio host, and president of
The M ajora Carter Group, a
for-profit “green" economic
consulting group with a focus
on “solving big problems—
like increasing a com m unity’s
access to healthy food—in
local w ays,"
Her style “I
spend about a
third of the year on the road,
so T dress for sensibility—
fabrics that don't wrinkle are
superstars in my closet. My
dredlocks follow the sam e
logic. They're easy to style,
save me tim e and money in
the salon, and bottom line,
having natural hair m eans
being who I a m /’
Her start
“ I'd planned to
work in the arts and was
involved with a local cultural
organization. But when I
learned about the w aste and
environm ental harm planned
for my childhood neighbor-
hood, Hunts Point in the
South Bronx, I realized all
the art in the world wouldn't
save us. I decided to act, and
I've never looked back,"
H e r w o rk
“I have a lot of
pride in the parks, greenways,
and new legislation that have
been created under my watch,
as well as in starting one of
the country's first green job
training and placement
system s. My own neighbor-
hood resembled a war zone in
s; now it's in a state of
recovery. Communities like
mine exist everywhere, and
my goal Is to make sure
these people aren't
Her motto
£t£No one
should have to move
out of their neigh-
borhood to live in
a b etter one.' We
are the keys to our
own com m unity's
“ 1 d e fin e m y lo o k a s (p r a c t i c ^ p o w e r / ” s a y s
M a jo r a . A n e a s y fit? A s h a r p y e t* sim p le s h e a th . S ill
S h ib o r i s h e a t h d r e s s , A n n T a y lo r , $158; a n n ta y lo r .
c o m . T w is t b r a c e le t , A d i a K ib u r, $ 1 8 0 ;life m ix .n e t
F lo w e r r in g , A K A n n e K le in , $32; 800/999-1877.
S m o k e y q u a r tz e a r r in g s , Z
A C o u tu r e J e w e lry ,
$ 79 ; z ia b o u tlq u e .c o m . J e w e l p u m p s , S a m
E d e lm a n , $ 99; e n d le s s .c o m
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